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    UPC4072C-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    Abstract: PC4072 PC4072HA PC4082 ic1570 3205Z
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPC4072 J-FET INPUT LOW-NOISE DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The µPC4072 is a J-FET input operational amplifier. This product is designed as low noise version of the µPC4082. The features of the µPC4072 are more improved input equivalent noise voltage, input offset voltage and input bias

    PC4072 PC4072 PC4082. 4072HA PC4072HA PC4082 ic1570 3205Z PDF


    Abstract: PC4072C PC4072G2 PC4082 IEI-1212
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PC4072 J-FET INPUT LOW-NOISE DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The μ PC4072 is a J-FET input operational amplifier. This product is designed as low noise version of the μ PC4082. The features of the μ PC4072 are more improved input equivalent noise voltage, input offset voltage and input bias

    PC4072 PC4072 PC4082. PC4072C PC4072G2 PC4082 IEI-1212 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: PC4082
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: PC4072HA PC4082
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPC4072 J-FET INPUT LOW-NOISE DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The µPC4072 is a J-FET input operational amplifier. This product is designed as low noise version of the µPC4082. The features of the µPC4072 are more improved input equivalent noise voltage, input offset voltage and input bias

    PC4072 PC4072 PC4082. PC4072HA PC4082 PDF


    Abstract: MS218L pc4570HA ic equivalent TL072CP M521BP bai5218 4558 cross reference tcl27l2 AN6554 "cross reference" PC458G
    Text: Es3 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER CROSS REFERENCE Bipolar N JR C Functions Single Supply Type Type No. N -S T* I Equivalent Products by Other Companies Mitsubishi N E C Hitachi Toshiba M5224P NJM29Q2M NJM3403AD LM2902NS MC3403N NJM3403AM MC3403NS NJM324D LM324N M5224P

    OCR Scan
    NJM29Q2M NJM3403AD NJM3403AM NJM324D NJM324M NJM2904D NJM2904M NJM2904L NJM3404AD NJM3404AM LM356N MS218L pc4570HA ic equivalent TL072CP M521BP bai5218 4558 cross reference tcl27l2 AN6554 "cross reference" PC458G PDF

    lm324n equivalent

    Abstract: LM1380 072BD MS218P 082c CI 074C LM358N equivalent RC4558P equivalent ta7508f BA15218 equivalent
    Text: «JlL * OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER CROSS REFERENCE • Bipolar NJRC Functions Quad Single Supply Type Type No. N -S NJM2902N LM2902N NJM2SC2M NJM3403AD NJM3403AM NJM324D NJM2904D NJM2904M Trans conducance Du«] Low N oise Dual LM&toN LM358N NJM2904L NJM3404AD NJM3404AM

    OCR Scan
    NJM2902N NJM3403AD NJM3403AM NJM324D NJM324M NJM2904D NJM2904M NJM2904L NJM3404AD NJM3404AM lm324n equivalent LM1380 072BD MS218P 082c CI 074C LM358N equivalent RC4558P equivalent ta7508f BA15218 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: C458G lm 4580 OPO7d 2904D 13600N NJM2068S 2043S NJM2041S u PC451C
    Text: OPERATIONAL AM PLIFIER CROSS REFERENCE N JR C F u n c tio n s E q u iv a le n t P ro d u c ts by O th e r C o m p a n ie s T ypes N • S T • I N JM 2902 S in g le S u p p ly Type M 5224P N JM 2902M N JM 3403A D LM 2902N S M C3403N N JM 3403A M M C 3403N S

    OCR Scan
    2902M 2904D 2904M 2904S 3404AD 3414M 3414S 3415D 3415M 3415S C451G C458G lm 4580 OPO7d 13600N NJM2068S 2043S NJM2041S u PC451C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PC4072 LOW NOISE J-FET INPUT DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The J-FET input operational am plifier of the • Low noise: en = 18 nV/VRz TYP. /iPC4072 is designed as low noise version of the • Very low in p u t bias and offset currents

    OCR Scan
    PC4072 /iPC4072 /iPC4082. UPC4082. //PC4072 PC4072C, PC4072HA] PDF


    Abstract: 4071G UPC4072 upc4072g2 PC4072 uPC4082
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PC4072 LOW NOISE J-FET INPUT DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The J-FET input operational am plifier of the • Low noise: en = 18 nV/VRz TYP. /iPC4072 is designed as low noise version of the • Very low in p u t bias and offset currents

    OCR Scan
    uPC4072 uuPC4072 /iPC4082. /iuPC4072 UPC4082. //uPC4072 PC4072HA 4071G upc4072g2 PC4072 uPC4082 PDF


    Abstract: PC4082 PC4072C AIPC4072HA CIRCUIT NEC
    Text: NEC ¿ /P C 4 0 7 2 D U A L J -F E T IN P U T L O W -N O IS E O P E R A T IO N A L A M P L IF IE R NEC Electronics Inc. Pin Configurations Description The J-FE T in p u t o p e ra tio n a l a m p lifie rs o f the/L/PC4072 are designed as lo w -n o ise versions of the //PC4082.

    OCR Scan
    uPC4072 uPC4082 //PC4082. yt/PC4072 //PC4072 PC4072 PC4082 PC4072C AIPC4072HA CIRCUIT NEC PDF