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    000207B Search Results

    000207B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H TM S -108-01-G -S H TM S -112-03-G -D -R A TM S -105-02-T-D [Allri;.n7 A \ B A Y Specifications: TMS, HTMS n t H f-TE M I* In sulator Material: Black Liquid Crystal Polymer or Nylon 4/6 Term inal Material: TM S -120-60-G -S Thirteen terminal styles S M S , SLM. RSiV;

    OCR Scan
    -108-01-G -112-03-G -105-02-T-D -120-60-G 000207b 1-800-SAMTEC-9 PDF

    LA 4138

    Abstract: SY100E452 SY100E452JC SY100E452JCTR SY10E452 SY10E452JC SY10E452JCTR
    Text: * 5-BIT DIFFERENTIAL REGISTER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR SY10E452 SY100E452 DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Differential D, CLK and Q ■ Extended 100E V ee range of -4.2V to -5.5V ■ V bb output for single-ended use ■ 1100MHz min. toggle frequency ■ Asynchronous Master Reset

    OCR Scan
    1100MHz MC10E/100E452 SY10/100E452 SY10E452JC J28-1 SY10E452JCTR SY100E452JC SY100E452JCTR LA 4138 SY100E452 SY10E452 PDF

    1005 Ic Data

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g M C 7 4 A C 5 20 M C 74A C T 520 M C 74A C 521 M C 74A C T521 M O TO R O LA Product Preview 8-Bit Iden tity C o m p a ra to r 8-BIT ID EN TITY COMPARATOR T h e M C 7 4 A C 5 3 4 /7 4 A C T 5 3 4 is a h ig h -s p e e d , lo w - p o w e r o c ta l D -ty p e flip - f lo p fe a ­

    OCR Scan
    24-Pin 1005 Ic Data PDF


    Abstract: ir 709
    Text: 31E J> ]L I T E — 0 N INC LST m S S 3 b 3 b 7 Ü D G S 0 7 3 3 • LTN; : D O T P O ÏO T i LTL-7Ô9R R E D LTL-709Y YELLOW LTL-709E HIGH E F F IC IEN C Y RED LTL-7Q9EA O RAN G E LTL-709L G REEN FEATURES • LOW POW ER C O N SU M P T IO N . • G E N E R A L P U R P O SE L E A D S.

    OCR Scan
    00G5073 LTL-709R LTL-709Y LTL-709E LTL-709EA LTL-709L IR709 ir 709 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ bq2201 BENCHMARQ SRAM Nonvolatile Controller Unit Features General Description >• Power monitoring and switching for 3 volt battery-backup applications The CMOS bq2201 SRAM Nonvolatile Controller Unit provides all necessary functions for converting a standard

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    bq2201 bq2201 0D02DÃ PDF


    Abstract: 74AC193 MC74AC192 MC74AC193
    Text: M M O T O R O L A M C7 4 A C 192 M C74 A C 193 Product Preview Up/Down Counters with Separate Up/Down Clocks UP/DOWN C O U N T ER S WITH SEPAR ATE UP/DOWN CLO C K S _ Th e M C74AC192 is an up/down BCD decade <8421) counter. Th e M C74AC193 is

    OCR Scan
    C74AC192 C74AC193 odulo-16 24-Pin 74AC192 74AC193 MC74AC192 MC74AC193 PDF

    gtx 970

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m rA LOW-POWER 5.0 VOLT SINGLE-CHIP READ CHANNEL for DISK DRIVES User Manual y Preliminary Product Information IMP 1995 62463MC 8-03-95 Page 1 of 56 LOW-POWER 5.0 VOLT SINGLE-CHIP READ CHANNEL for DISK DRIVES EVÍP62C548 Table of Contents 1.0 Nomenclature

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    62463MC P62C548 EMP62C548 gtx 970 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * 5-BIT DIFFERENTIAL REGISTER SYNERGY SY10E452 SY100E452 SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Differential D, CLK and Q ■ Extended 100E V ee range of -4.2V to -5.5V ■ V bb output for single-ended use ■ 1100MHz min. toggle frequency ■ Asynchronous Master Reset

    OCR Scan
    SY10E452 SY100E452 1100MHz MC10E/100E452 SY10/100E452 SY10E452JC J28-1 SY10E452JCTR SY100E452JC PDF


    Abstract: MC74AC379 MC74ACT379 abe 007
    Text: M M O T O R O L MC74AC379 MC74ACT379 A Product Preview Q u a d Parallel Register w ith Enable QUAD PARALLEL REGISTER WITH ENABLE The M C 74A C 3 7 9 / 7 4 A C T 3 7 9 is a 4-bit register with a buffered c o m m o n Enable. T h is device is sim ilar to the M C 7 4 A C 1 7 5 / 7 4 A C T 1 7 5 but features the c o m m o n E n a ­

    OCR Scan
    MC74AC379/74ACT379 MC74AC175/74ACT175 ACT379 MC74AC379 MC74ACT379 751B0 24-Pin 74AC MC74ACT379 abe 007 PDF


    Abstract: ncl 071 44-PIN N40A COP8788 1252312
    Text: COP87L88CF/COP87L84CF tß National Semiconductor PRELIM INARY COP87L88CF/COP87L84CF 8-Bit One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontroller with A /D Converter • Packages: — 44 PLCC with 38 I/O pins — 40 DIP with 34 I/O pins — 28 DIP with 22 I/O pins — 28 SO with 22 I/O pins (contact local sales office for

    OCR Scan
    COP87L88CF/COP87L84CF COP87L88CF/COP87L84CF COP888CF/COP884CF 16-bit Feature9959 2flc57 COP87L84CFN-XE ncl 071 44-PIN N40A COP8788 1252312 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O T O R O L M C 7 4A C 16 8 M C 7 4A C 16 9 A Product Preview 4 -S tag e Synchronous B id irection al C ounters 4-STA G E SYNCH RO NO U S BID IR EC T IO N A L CO UNTERS T h e M C 7 4 A C 1 6 8 a n d M C 7 4 A C 1 6 9 are fu lly s y n c h r o n o u s 4 -s ta g e u p / d o w n

    OCR Scan
    24-Pin 4ac16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g M C 74 A C 8 43 M C 7 4A C T 84 3 M C74A C 844 M C 7 4A C T 84 4 M OTOROLA Product Preview 9-Bit T ra n sp a re n t Latch 9-BIT TRA N SPA REN T LATCH The MC74AC843/74ACT843 and M C74AC844/74ACT844 bus interface latch is d esigned to e lim in a te th e extra packages requ ire d to b u ffe r e xistin g latches and

    OCR Scan
    MC74AC843/74ACT843 C74AC844/74ACT844 ACT843 ACT844 MC74AC843/74ACT843) 751E-02 24-Pin PDF

    lt 5217

    Abstract: LT 5219
    Text: M C74AC845 M C74ACT845 M C74AC846 M C74ACT846 M M O T O R O LA Product Preview 8 -B it T ran sp are n t Latch 8 -B IT TRAN SPAREN T LATCH The M C 7 4 A C 8 4 5 / 7 4 A C T 8 4 5 an d M C 7 4 A C 8 4 6 / 7 4 A C T 8 4 6 b u s interface latches are d e sign e d to elim inate the extra p ackage s required to buffer existing latches and

    OCR Scan
    C74AC845 C74ACT845 C74AC846 C74ACT846 AM29845. 24-Pin lt 5217 LT 5219 PDF

    str w 6554 a

    Abstract: str w 6554 intel 8096 str 6554 SC11031 marking g2l SC11042CV kxo-110 196608 mhz SC11043 STR 6554 a
    Text: SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR CORP S4E D • SC11031/SC11040/SC11041/SC11042/SC11043 2400 bps Modem Advanced Controller II O SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 68-PIN PLCC PACKAGE □ 384 Byte internal RAM □ Power Down m ode indicator on PD pin □ CMOS technology □ 16C450 compatible UART

    OCR Scan
    SC11031/SC11040/SC11041/SC11042/SC11043 68-PIN 242G10 SCU031/SC11040/SC11041/SC11042/SC11043 42bis, 128Kx8 25Kx8 16x16 str w 6554 a str w 6554 intel 8096 str 6554 SC11031 marking g2l SC11042CV kxo-110 196608 mhz SC11043 STR 6554 a PDF

    HEADLAND ht 18

    Abstract: ht321 HT321-D headland technology 486 motherboard HT321-ISA Headland HT-101 headland PTC S M T209 ptc p175 80387 dx dma techniques .and interface and signal
    Text: HEADLAND T E CH NO LOG Y INC MIE D MS M3b77D2 OdGW S Headland 1 ES HT I HTK320 386DX Chip Set Features • 2-chip 80386DX PC/AT compatible solu­ tion • Supports CPU speeds of up to 40MHz • 3167 W eitek and 80387 co-processor sup­ ported • Peripherals supported on local CPU bus

    OCR Scan
    80386DX 40MHz HTK320 JID31 JID25 M3b7702 386DX HT32x/X HEADLAND ht 18 ht321 HT321-D headland technology 486 motherboard HT321-ISA Headland HT-101 headland PTC S M T209 ptc p175 80387 dx dma techniques .and interface and signal PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A Data Sheet Arar Microelectronics MK005-Series Power Modules; 38 Vdc to 72 Vdc Inputs, 5 W Features • Small size: 2.00 in. x 1.19 in. x 0.46 in. ■ Shielded, metal case ■ Wide input-voltage range: 38 Vdc to 72 Vdc ■ Output current limiting; unlimited duration

    OCR Scan
    MK005-Series 000207b MK005A MK005B MK005C MK005N MK005CL4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR CORP OTE D | 2 L 1 4 130 □□□2074 L | T-47-13 Semiconductor 8^? 5Dallas TAP SILICON DELAY LINE FEATURES DS1005 14-Pin DIP DS1005M 8-Pin DIP DS1005S 16-Pin SOIC PIN CONNECTIONS • All silicon time delay Q 1 8 □ Vcc TAP 2 ^ 2 7 □TAP 1

    OCR Scan
    T-47-13 DS1005 14-Pin DS1005M DS1005S 16-Pin DS1005S PDF


    Abstract: FAF 37 DIODE smd FAF 37 DIODE MC500 MC700 TQ1089 TQ1089-MC500 TQ1089-MC700 FAF 45 DIODE
    Text: T R I Q U I N S E M I C O N D U C T O R , I N C T ro s i Figure 1. Black D iagram TQ1089 FBIN GND REFCLK GND GND GND GND 11-Output Configurable Clock Buffer Features • Wide frequency range: 65 MHz to 90 MHz and 130 MHz to 180 MHz TriQ uint’s TQ1089 is a configurable clock b u ffer w hich generates 11

    OCR Scan
    TQ1089 000207b FAF 45 DIODE SMD FAF 37 DIODE smd FAF 37 DIODE MC500 MC700 TQ1089-MC500 TQ1089-MC700 FAF 45 DIODE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL2041C élantec EL2041C Wideband, Fust Settling, Unity Gain Stable, Operational Amplifier HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG fNT£6ftATED C1RCUÜS F e a tu r e s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • O p e n lo o p u n i t y b a n d w i d th — 90 M H z The EL2041 is a unity gain stable monolithic operational ampli­

    OCR Scan
    EL2041C EL2041 --864E --800E 31ETSS7 PDF


    Abstract: Altera September 1991 EP610-20 acht30
    Text: altera M7E D corp 05^5375 ODDgPbb T lg W ALT EP610 EPLDs High-Performance 16-Macrocell Devices Data Sheet September 1991, ver. 2 □ □ Features □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ General Description H igh-density replacem ent for TTL and 74HC w ith up to 600 gates

    OCR Scan
    EP610 16-Macrocell EP630-20 EP630-15, EP630-20 EP630 Altera September 1991 EP610-20 acht30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I ERRATA PMC-Sierra, Inc. I V I V —_ PM5348 S/UNI-DUAL ISSUE 1 REVISION A DEVICE ERRATA PM5348 S/UNI-155-DUAL REVISION A DEVICE ERRATA Issue 1: June 14,1996 PMC-Sierra, Inc. 105 - 8555 Baxter Place, Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4V7 604 415 6000 •

    OCR Scan
    PM5348 PM5348 S/UNI-155-DUAL PM5348S/UNI-DUAL M9624 PDF


    Abstract: SNM-100-BK-T micro terminal strip tms-120-60-g-s
    Text: HTMS-112-03-G-D-R A TMS-105-02-T-D r\fì JVj TMS-120-60-G-S Specifications: TMS, HTMS n t H f-T E M I* Insulator Material: Black Liquid Crystal Polym er or Nylon 4/6 Thirteen terminal styles SMS, SLM. RSM Ideal for board stacking Specifications: SNM Same as H TM S except:

    OCR Scan
    TMS-120-60-G-S HTMS-112-03-G-D-R HTMS-1Q8-01-G-S TMS-105-02-T-D SNM-100-BK-T 100-BKâ 000207b 1-800-SAMTEC-9 micro terminal strip tms-120-60-g-s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S-2929AR/I C M O S 2 K -b it serial E P R O M E as y in te rfa c e w ith s e ria l p o rt The S-2929AR/I is a high speed, low pow er 2K -bit E2PROM that uses the CM OS floating-ga te process. The organization is 128-w ord x 16-bit, and it is read or w ritten serially.

    OCR Scan
    S-2929AR/I S-2929AR/I 128-w 16-bit, A123443 0D20T0 PDF