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    U 1981 Search Results

    U 1981 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    UPA1981TE-T1-AT Renesas Electronics Corporation Nch/Pch Dual Power Mosfet 7V 2.8A 70Mohm 6Pin Tmm/Sc-95 Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPA1981TE-T1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Nch/Pch Dual Power Mosfet 7V 2.8A 70Mohm 6Pin Tmm/Sc-95 Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71981S25C Renesas Electronics Corporation 64K(16KX4)CMOS STATIC RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71981S25Y Renesas Electronics Corporation 64K(16KX4)CMOS STATIC RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71981S25Y8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 64K(16KX4)CMOS STATIC RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    U 1981 Price and Stock

    STL STL-U-1981

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey STL-U-1981 Box 1
    • 1 $39.99
    • 10 $39.99
    • 100 $39.99
    • 1000 $39.99
    • 10000 $39.99
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    TE Connectivity 1742198-1

    Terminals 18-14AWG .250 STRG HT LIF REC Reel10000
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 1742198-1 120,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.079
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    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $0.14
    • 1000 $0.14
    • 10000 $0.14
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    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.102
    • 10000 $0.097
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    TE Connectivity CV1981-ST-230V1600W-EU

    Heat Guns & Nozzles CV1981-ST-230V1600W-EU
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics CV1981-ST-230V1600W-EU
    • 1 $895
    • 10 $894.99
    • 100 $894.99
    • 1000 $894.99
    • 10000 $894.99
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    Vishay Intertechnologies UXB02070G1981ACU00

    Metal Film Resistors - Through Hole UXB 0207-05 0.05% CU 1K98
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics UXB02070G1981ACU00
    • 1 $6.1
    • 10 $5.72
    • 100 $4.07
    • 1000 $3.18
    • 10000 $3.18
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    Vishay Intertechnologies MPR24000X1981BCU00

    Thin Film Resistors - Through Hole MPR24-15 0.1% CU 1K98
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MPR24000X1981BCU00
    • 1 $6.54
    • 10 $4.34
    • 100 $3.13
    • 1000 $3.13
    • 10000 $3.13
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    U 1981 Datasheets (6)

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    U1981 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    U1981 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
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    U1981E Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    U1981E Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
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    U 1981 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TY P ES SN74LS590, SN54LS590 8-BIT BINARY C O U N TER S WITH O U TP U T REGISTERS 0 2 6 3 2 , J A N U A R Y 1981 • 8-Bit Counter w ith Register • Parallel Register Outputs • - R EVISED J U N E 1983 SN 54LS 590. J PACKAGE SN74LS590 . D OR N PACKAGE

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    PDF SN74LS590, SN54LS590 300-m SN74LS590 LS590

    thermal print head

    Abstract: SN75S90
    Text: TYPE SN75590 SERIAL-PARALLEL THERMAL PRINT HEAD DRIVER DISPLAY CIRCUITS 02647 - Each Device Drives 12 D o ts N O V E M B E R 1981 D U A L - IN - L IN E P A C K A G E T O P V IE W 5 0 -m A O u tp u t C urrent C ap ability 15 V O u tp u t V olta ge C ap ability

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    PDF SN75590 12-bit thermal print head SN75S90


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: connectivity P ro d u cts In d ustries R e so u rce s A bout TE Support C e n te r M y A cco u n t H om e > Pro ducts > D ata In te rco n n e ct > Pro d u ct Feature S e le c to r > P ro d u c t D e tails S 1981584-2 Product Details 1981584-2 Print E3 Email

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    z80 sio

    Abstract: Z80A z80a-sio Z80A sio Z80 40 pin Z80B Z849 80a sio Z8449A applications of Z-80
    Text: Z8449 Z80 SIO/9 Serial Input/Output Controller S in g le— Copy- Product Specification ^ H a n d le W ith Care Zilog M a rc h 1981 R e c e iv e r d a ta r e g is te r s q u a d r u p ly b u ffe re d , tra n s m itte r r e g is te r s d o u b ly b u ffe re d .

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    PDF Z8449 Z-80A Z8449 40-pin) Z8449B Z8449A z80 sio Z80A z80a-sio Z80A sio Z80 40 pin Z80B Z849 80a sio applications of Z-80

    western digital FD1791

    Abstract: IBM-3740 FD1791 FD1793 western digital FD1793 MB8866 MB8876 fd1791-02 ibm3740 MB88XX
    Text: F U J IT S U MICROELECTRONICS SS D E | 3 7 4 ci7 t,2 0005470 s X ^ T -5 2 -3 3 -1 1 F U J IT S U MB8866 MB8876 MB8877 M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S FLOPPY DISK FORMATTER/CONTROLLER FDC SEPTEMBER 1981 DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB88XX family is a one-chip Floppy

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    PDF MB88XX IBM3740 System-34 western digital FD1791 IBM-3740 FD1791 FD1793 western digital FD1793 MB8866 MB8876 fd1791-02


    Abstract: 618 diode gd 4016 transistor kp 455-A6 radio fernsehen elektronik service-mitteilungen ZF-filter robotron 1PK0
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN V E B IN D U S T R IE V E R T R IE B R U N D F U N K U N D F E R N S E H E N .SKPTTCMRRP I radio - television | 1981 9 SEITE 1-4 Auf Wunsch zahlreicher Servicewerkstätten veröffentlichen wir nach­ folgend nochmals die von uns anzuwendenden

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    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    PDF AF-8023 L390H AMP13469 US128A DEPT2121 0U62121

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: keramische werke hermsdorf VEB Keramische Werke Filter Hermsdorf hybridschaltkreise VEB M ik ro e le k tro n ik hermsdorf datenbuch datenbuch integrierte schaltkreise SF235
    Text: Integrierte W iderstandsnetzwerke und Hybridschaltkreise A u s g a b e 1981 A b b ild u n g e n und W e rte ge lten nu r b e d in g t o ls U n te rla g e fü r B este llu n g e n , R echtsverb ind lich ist je w e ils d ie A u ftra g sb e stä tig u n g • Ä n d e ru n g e n Vorbehalten

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    SVI 3003

    Abstract: 306CE GL 3401 HP 1003 WA s4r diode CIK 81 GE 8111 GML 3401 CHARACTERISTICS marking _TH Z6 ITT
    Text: M IL -M -3 8 5 1 0 /3 0 6 C 16 D e c e m b e r 1981 S U P tR b tU iH U M IL -M -3 8 5 1 0 /3 0 6 B Î U S A F 9 A u g u s t 1 9 78 M IL IT A R Y S P E C IF IC A T IO N H I CROC I R C U I T S , D I G I T A L , LOW POUER S H I F T R E G I S T E R S , M O N O LITH IC

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    PDF MIL-H-38510/306C MIL-M-38510/306BÃ M1L-M-38510. typ4LS295B 54LS395A 154LS165 54LS166 L-N-38510/306C SVI 3003 306CE GL 3401 HP 1003 WA s4r diode CIK 81 GE 8111 GML 3401 CHARACTERISTICS marking _TH Z6 ITT


    Abstract: TTL_244 DIL 0a1 HEF40244B HEF40244BD
    Text: HEF40244B buffers OCTAL BUFFERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS T he H E F 4 0 2 44 B is an octal n o n -in ve rtin g b u ffe r w ith 3-state o u tp u ts. It features o u tp u t stages w ith high c u rre n t o u tp u t ca p a b ility suitable fo r d rivin g h ig h ly capacitive loads.

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    PDF HEF40244B 7Z83579. HEF40244BP TTL_244 DIL 0a1 HEF40244BD


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I CM O S STATIC RAMS 6 4 K 1 6 K X 4-BIT ID T71981S /L ID T71982S /L S eparate Data Inputs and Outputs FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • S eparate d a ta inp u ts a n d o u tp u ts • IDT71981S/L: o u tp u ts tra ck inp u ts d u rin g w rite m ode • IDT71982S/L: h ig h im p e d a n c e o utp u ts d u rin g w rite m ode

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    PDF T71981S T71982S IDT71981S/L: IDT71982S/L: 1981/1D IDT71981 IDT71982 IDT71981/1DT71982 MIL-STD-883,


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o \ n z i S '3 L ? 6 Features ^ 6- H IG H S P E E D =1K x 8 P R O M H M - 7 6 8 0 A O p e n C o lle c to r O u tp u ts H M -7 6 8 1 A "T h re e S ta te " O u tp u ts 002615 A PR IL 1981 ê ia i Pinout • 50ns M A X IM U M A D D R E S S ACC ESS T IM E •

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF40373B MSI OCTAL TRANSPARENT LATCH WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS The H E F 4 0 3 73 B is an 8 -b it transparent latch w ith 3-state buffered o u tp u ts. The o u tp u t stages have high cu rre n t o u tp u t c a p a b ility suitable fo r drivin g h ig h ly capacitive loads. T he latch o u tp u ts fo llo w th e

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    PDF HEF40373B

    rft sk 3000

    Abstract: RFT r 4100 service-mitteilungen KF 517 GER-A RFT Service Mitteilung servicemitteilungen Mitteilung VEB RFT RFT Transistoren robotron
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN IRIFÜT1 1R A D I O - t e / e v i s i o n 1 45 VE B IN D U S T R IE V E R T R IE B R U N D F U N K U N D F E R N S E H E N April-Mai I“ Seite 1-8 1981 Mitteilung aus dem VEB RFT Industrievertrieb R.u.F. Leipzig Einheitliche Anwendung von Vordrucken bei der Bearbei­

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    PDF K60-0r02-Kassetten rft sk 3000 RFT r 4100 service-mitteilungen KF 517 GER-A RFT Service Mitteilung servicemitteilungen Mitteilung VEB RFT RFT Transistoren robotron

    rft service

    Abstract: servicemitteilungen RFT Schaltnetzteil service-mitteilungen mitteilung aus dem veb rft VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIEB RUNDFUNK UND FERNSEHEN RFT Service Mitteilungen 15 1981 Service Mitteilungen service mitteilung RFT Information
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN V E B IN D U S T R IE V E R T R IE B R U N D F U N K U N D F E R N S E H E N [HM1 r a d io - television SERVICE - MITTEILÜHGEN - NOViüBER 1981 14 SEITE 1 - 4 kurz und bündig I Seit nunmehr 10 Jahren gibt es das Informationssystem SERVICE MITTEILUNGEN und noch immer hat sich an Form und Inhalt so gut

    OCR Scan
    PDF III/18/379 rft service servicemitteilungen RFT Schaltnetzteil service-mitteilungen mitteilung aus dem veb rft VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIEB RUNDFUNK UND FERNSEHEN RFT Service Mitteilungen 15 1981 Service Mitteilungen service mitteilung RFT Information


    Abstract: 4Kx8 rom ttl SIGNETICS* fusing procedure 82S106
    Text: BIPOLAR MEMORY DIVISION MAY 1981 FIELD PROGRAMMABLE ROM PATCH 16X48X8 82S106 (O.CJ/82S107 (T.S.) INTEGRATED FUSE LOGIC SERIES 28 DESC R IPTIO N FEATURES T h e 82S106 (O pen c o lle c to r o u tp u ts) and 82S107 (3-state o u tpu ts) are b ip o la r P ro­

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    PDF 16X48X8) 82S106 CJ/82S107 82S107 64KI216) 82S106) 82S107) A0-11 82S107 4Kx8 rom ttl SIGNETICS* fusing procedure 82S106


    Abstract: d2052 000G4 FX205 FX205P T7521 437L
    Text: 7 " - 7 5 -2 7 -0 5 F U N C T IO N A L SC H EM A TIC a m p l it u d e P U B L IC A T IO N D /2 0 5 /2 /0 2 1 F E B R U A R Y 1981 FX 205 FX 205P : co ntrol TO NE ENCODERS F ig. 1 FE A TU R E S • PSEUDO-SINEWAVE OUTPUT CHOICE OF PACKAGE STYLES ■ WIDE FREQUENCY RANGE

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    PDF T-75-21-05 D/205/2/021 FX205 FX205P CD4059 d2052 000G4 T7521 437L

    circuit diagram of keypad interface with dtmf

    Abstract: telephone keypad interface circuit with dtmf 4327 telephone KEYPAD VARISTOR thm MT4327AC Telephone Dialer Circuit MEMORY ST2 relay
    Text: -»p. • V IIT fc L ISO-CMOS M T 4S2JI4820I4327 Programmable Keypad Pulse Dialer S E P T 1981 Features Pin Connections • La st n u m b e r re dial • M u ltip le a c c e s s pa use p ro g ra m m in g • A ny v a lid keypad in p u t o r H O LD IN c a u s e s e x it fro m

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    PDF MT4325I4320I4327 300Hz 932Hz MT4325, MT4325I26/27 circuit diagram of keypad interface with dtmf telephone keypad interface circuit with dtmf 4327 telephone KEYPAD VARISTOR thm MT4327AC Telephone Dialer Circuit MEMORY ST2 relay

    MIL-STD-883 method 5003

    Abstract: tr 222a 2532 eprom marking 133I AXP1
    Text: * MIL-M-38510/222A USAF 14 N o v e m b e r 1983 S UPEKSEPTire M I L - M - 3 8 5 1 0 / 2 2 2 (USAF) 12 A u g u s t 1981 M I L I T A R Y S P E C I F IC A T I O N M I C R O C I R C U I T , D IGITAL, 3 2 , 7 6 8 BIT MOS, U L T R A V I O L E T E R A S A B L E

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    PDF MIL-M-38510/222A MIL-M-38510/222 MIL-M-38510 MIL-M-38510. 5962-F647-4) OM/222 MIL-STD-883 method 5003 tr 222a 2532 eprom marking 133I AXP1


    Abstract: n8281 S8251 82S106 LL215
    Text: BIPOLAR MEMORY DIVISION MAY 1981 FIELD PROGRAMMABLE ROM PATCH 16X48X8 82S106 (O.C.)/82S107 (T.S.) INTEGRATED FUSE LOGIC SERIES 28 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S106 (O pen c o lle c to r o u tp u ts) and 82S107 (3-state o u tpu ts) are b ip o la r P ro­ g ra m m ab le ROM Patches o rg a n ize d as 48

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    PDF 16X48X8) 82S106 /82S1Q7 82S107 82S106) ll2-15 82S107 n8281 S8251 82S106 LL215

    westinghouse transistors

    Abstract: WT440 WT4311 WT4334 WT4411 WT4434 WT4400 Westcode Semiconductors transistor WT-440 WT transistor
    Text: 97 0 99 55 WESTCODE SE MI CO ND UC TO RS iIESTCODL S E M I C O N D U C T O R S 34 34C 01 73 L DE”| t17Din S 5 D T~ DDD1731 □ |~ Technical W ESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Publication WT43/4400 Issue 1 A u g u st 1981 High Power Transistor Types WT4311 to W T4334 and WT4411 to WT4434

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    PDF 0173L DD01731 WT43/4400 WT4311 WT4334 WT4411 WT4434 0-160V 0-140V 0-120V westinghouse transistors WT440 WT4434 WT4400 Westcode Semiconductors transistor WT-440 WT transistor


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPES SN54LS696 THRU SN54LS699, SN74LS696 THRU SN74LS699 SYNCHRONOUS UP/DOWN COUNTERS WiTH OUTPUT REGISTERS AND MULTIPLEXED 3-STATE OUTPUTS D 2424, JA N U A R Y 1981 S ÎJ5 4 L S 6 S 6 THR U S N 5 4 L S 6 9 9 . . . J P AC KA G E 4 -B it C o u n te rs /R e g is te rs

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    PDF SN54LS696 SN54LS699, SN74LS696 SN74LS699 LS696 LS697 LS698 LS699 SN54LS696, SN54LS698, 6N24

    TAG 8825

    Abstract: s2688 926893-1 S26882-7 cuzn30 D 8821
    Text: Zeichnung geschützt durch Copyright 1981 AMP DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Alle Rechte Vorbehalten Index A 8 C r> E F K Änderung Tag *3 5 0 5 3 6 22. 1.// /S o la - //o n s d u r c .ü tr > G - & ^ e .r Tabelle u n d -4 -2 Name f.K u z ¿ L 1. & in * * A /a /e s g e ä n d e r t

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    PDF S26882-7 9268P3-5 CuZn30 TAG 8825 s2688 926893-1 D 8821


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Zeichnung geschützt durch Copyright 1981 AMP DEUTSCHLAND GmbH AU« Rechte Vorbehalten r = — * :_ u " ^ □ A Änderung A B c Tag Name 2 t. J *4 4.S./J ¿/’ 4 4 m z/ i S o f a f io m d u r d t iM t u t r Tabeffe und N o tes g eo rd ert - V- und - S m Tabe. /« A rq ttf/rz /

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    PDF CuZn30F53 uZn30F53 b926