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    SEMIKRON SKB2 Search Results

    SEMIKRON SKB2 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: GA5-6D25 GA5-4D10 G240D45 G480d50 GA5-4D25 G280D45 G280D25 G480D25 G280D10
    Text: Crydom Cross Reference Competitor's Part No. 120A10 Opto22 A1210 120A10SP SPC 120A110SP SPC 120A25 Opto22 A1225 120A25SP SPC 120A45SP SPC 120A80SP SPC 120D10 Opto22 D1210 120D10010SP SPC 120D1010SP SPC 120D10SP SPC 120D110SP SPC 120D25 Opto22 D1225 120D2510SP

    PDF 120A10 Opto22 A1210 120A10SP 120A110SP 120A25 A1225 120A25SP 120A45SP G240D25 GA5-6D25 GA5-4D10 G240D45 G480d50 GA5-4D25 G280D45 G280D25 G480D25 G280D10


    Abstract: BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor
    Text: 573 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Discrete & Power Devices Page 700 Bridge Rectifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diodes Schottky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    PDF element-14 F155-6A F155-10A F165-15A F175-25A irfb4115 BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor

    Semikron SKB L5b

    Abstract: Semikron SKB b 500 C 1000 B 380 C 1500 RD SKB2 BRIDGE C1000L5B semikron skb b 380 Semikron SKB2 Semikron SKB b 250 b500c1000 h 125 tam
    Text: s e MIKRDN V rsm V 1 ,8 A V 120 40 400 125 800 250 1000 380 1200 500 V BR VvRMS V V 1300 500 Miniature Bridge Rectifiers Id (T am b = 4 5 ° C ) VvRMS V rrm 2 ,5 A R m in Types Cmax HF n SKB SKB SKB SKB SKB 5000 0 ,5 1600 1 .5 B 4 0 C 1000 L5B B 80 C 1000 L5B

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    PDF SKBB40C1500L5B Semikron SKB L5b Semikron SKB b 500 C 1000 B 380 C 1500 RD SKB2 BRIDGE C1000L5B semikron skb b 380 Semikron SKB2 Semikron SKB b 250 b500c1000 h 125 tam


    Abstract: SKB 14 02 Semikron SKB 7 /04 R4A/Semikron SKB 7 /04 SKB 7 / 02
    Text: Û13bb71 DOObMOM 17 A = 75 °C V rrm 20 A (73 °C) Types Rmin SKB 25/01 SKB 25/02 SKB 25/04 SKB 25/06 SKB 25/08 SKB 25/12 SKB 25/14 SKB 25/16 0,1 0,15 0,3 0,5 0,7 1 1,2 1,5 V Ifsm i2t VF V(TO) n I rd tri­ Types Rmin SKD 25/02 SKD 25/04 0,15 0,3 SKD 25/08

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    PDF 13bb71 R4A/120 P1A/120 15for SKB25 CaseQ10 013bb71 skd25/16 SKB 14 02 Semikron SKB 7 /04 R4A/Semikron SKB 7 /04 SKB 7 / 02

    Semikron SKB 7 02

    Abstract: SKB 7 02 skd25-04 SKB 14 12 Semikron SKB 7 skb 14 13 SKB 7 / 02
    Text: S EM IK R O N Id Tease = •■■ V rsm V rrm V 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 17 A = (75 °C) 20 A (73 °C) Types Rmin SKB SKB SKB SKB SKB 0,1 0,15 0,3 0,5 0,7 - - - - SKB 25/12 1 - - SKD 25/12 SKD 25/14 SKD 25/16 a 25/01 25/02 25/04 25/06 25/08

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    PDF P5/100 P1/120 PS/100 SKB25 SKD25 Semikron SKB 7 02 SKB 7 02 skd25-04 SKB 14 12 Semikron SKB 7 skb 14 13 SKB 7 / 02

    diode 1600 rectifier

    Abstract: G7 diode DIODE G7 1600 SKB30 SKD50 DIODE 2800 SKB15 SKB60 SKB72
    Text: SEMIPONT Bridge Rectifier continued Diode power bridge rectifiers ; _ Vrrm Type to1) @ Tease ft Ifsm 10 ms. 25 CC V rsm A V A °C Cases G 7 . G 8 / G 9 Case Circuit no. Aas SKB 15 200. 1600 15 117 370 680 G 9 SKB25 100. 1600 15 85 370 680 G 10

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    PDF SKB15 SKB30 SKB60 SKB72 SKD25 SKD50 diode 1600 rectifier G7 diode DIODE G7 1600 DIODE 2800

    Semikron SKBA b 500 c 1400

    Abstract: b2hkf Semikron SKB L5b Semikron SKB B 500 1400 Semikron mSkab 500/445-1.5
    Text: SEMIKRDN Section 10: High Voltage Rectifiers Type > < < Vvrms/Vdc-Ifav Vrrm Ifav Ifav Tamb= Ton= Ifsm Tv,m a, 45 °C A 75 cC A A 0,45 0,4 kV H S K E 2500/11000,3 H S K E 3500/15500,3 H S K E 5000/22000,25 H S K E 3500/15500,5 kV 7,5 10 15 6 8 12 0,45 0,4 0,35

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    PDF SKB26 Semikron SKBA b 500 c 1400 b2hkf Semikron SKB L5b Semikron SKB B 500 1400 Semikron mSkab 500/445-1.5