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    BB53T3I Search Results

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    Abstract: BYP22-50 M2448
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 25E D • 1^53=131 0Q2E375 T ■ BYP22 SERIES 7 ^ 0 3 - /9 ULTRA FAST-RECOVERY DOUBLE RECTIFIER DIODES FEATURING LOW REVERSE LEAKAGE Glass-passivated, high-efficiency epitaxial rectifier diodes in plastic envelopes, featuring lo w reverse

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    0QSE37S BYP22 M1257 BYP22-50 M2448 PDF


    Abstract: M1507 m1511 BYR29F BYR29F-600 ML508
    Text: - N AMER PHILIPS/ D I S C R E T E 25E D • Il fafaS3*i31 0052435 A S ■ bYH29F SERIES - 7 ^ 0 3 ^ 7 ULTRA FAST RECOVERY ELECTRICALLY-ISOLATED RECTIFIER DIODES Glass-passivated, high-efficiency epitaxial rectifier diodes in SOT-186 full-pack envelopes, featuring

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    G0S2435 YH29F OT-186 BYR29F-600 Repetitive02 bbS3131 G0B2443 ABYR29F T-03-17 M1R19 M1513 M1507 m1511 BYR29F ML508 PDF


    Abstract: BFQ32M of bfq63
    Text: Philips Semiconductors bibi.53,:] 3 1 G G B IS T S TGS HAPX Product specification NPN 5 GHz wideband transistor BFQ63 N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE DESCRIPTION b'IE D PINNING NPN transistor in a TO-72 métal envelope with insulated electrodes and a shield lead connected to the

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    bbS3T31 BFQ63 BFQ32M. D0315T8 BFQ63 ls12l2 BFQ32M of bfq63 PDF


    Abstract: BUW87 BUW87A TO3 philips BuW8
    Text: BUW86 BUW87 BUW87A DEVELOPMENT DATA This data sheet contains advance Info rm a tio n and specifications are subject to change w ith o u t notice. bLS3T31 G 0 n 0 1 3 5 N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE r ESE D - 3 3 - / / SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-speed switching npn transistors in a metal envelope intended fo r use in converters, inverters,

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    bLS3T31 G0n013 BUW86 BUW87 BUW87A BUW86 BUW87 T-33-11 BUW87A TO3 philips BuW8 PDF


    Abstract: IR 5331 IEC134 PHBR1640 PHBR1645
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ObE D PHBR1635 PHBR1640 b 353^31 DDllbS? •=! T-03-17 SCHOTTKY-BARRIER RECTIFIER DIODES High-efficiency rectifier diodes in T 0-22 0 envelopes, featuring low forw ard voltage drop, low capacitance, absence o f stored charge, and high temperature stability. They are intended fo r use in

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    PHBR1635 PHBR1640 BtlBB1645_ T-03-17 T0-220 bb53T31 Q011fc PHBR1635 IR 5331 IEC134 PHBR1640 PHBR1645 PDF


    Abstract: lm 383 ic BS415 BS7002 SL5582 SL5583
    Text: Product specification P h ilip s Sem icond uctors High-voltage optocouplers SL5582/SL5583 FEA TU R ES • A pin distance of 10.16 mm • An external clearance of 9.6 mm mimimum and an external creepage distance of 8 mm minimum • High current transfer ratio and

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    SL5582/SL5583 SL5582 SL5583 OT231 0035b04 bb53ci31 35b05 NT 407 F TRANSISTOR lm 383 ic BS415 BS7002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE t iT E I> • bb53^31 □D3TD74 OIL A APX BLV59 U.H.F. LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor in SOT-171 envelope primarily intended fo r use as linear amplifier in u.h.f. television transmitters. Features:

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    D3TD74 BLV59 OT-171 002T0fl2 PDF


    Abstract: DG14 mc496
    Text: N AMER PH ILI PS/DIS CRET E OLE D PowerMOS transistor ~ • ^53=131 DOmflGfl A ■ BUZ308 T-31-U ‘ May 1987 GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enchancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in Switched Mode Power Supplies

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    LiLj53cà BUZ308 T0218AA; T-39-11 BUZ308 DG14 mc496 PDF


    Abstract: BT 151 thyristor BTA151 BTA 151 500r 800R
    Text: I I _ J N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bTE » • bbS3^31 D02734D böl ■ APX I^ BTA151 SERIES THYRISTORS Glass-passivated th y ris to rs intended fo r use in ap p lica tio ns requiring high therm al cyclin g and repeated s w itch in g perform ance w ith lo w th e rm a l resistance. T yp ica l ap p lica tio ns in clude tem perature and

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    BTA151 BTA151500R OT-82. BTA151-500R BT 151 thyristor BTA 151 500r 800R PDF